TO COUNTER PLANNED PARENTHOOD GROOMING OF CHILDREN, PARENTS WHO FOLLOW GOD MUST LEAD AT HOME. Monica Cline spoke in powerful ways for Pro-Life Waco’s Second Sunday Pro-Life Gathering (Oct 13, 2019). Monica was a sex educator (promoter) for Planned Parenthood for 10 years. Monica Cline shares the inside story of the deceitful and dangerous "sex education" delivered by Planned Parenthood and their fellow travelers. Monica experienced a slow conversion the sanity and to Christ. You will be blessed by watching this 40-minute video. INVITE MONICA CLINE TO SPEAK IN YOUR COMMUNITY for the benefit of parents, grandparents, clergy, educators and the lives of their children. Adults must have strong spines and lead. Monica Cline can help strengthen your spine. Click soon on to find out more about her UNIQUE story and recent news stories.